Does Push Button Cash Site Scam People? Honest Review

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The Push Button Cash Site name itself already raised up some big red flags before I even visited the site. And sure enough as I sat there watching, there was a video of yet another person showing off their earnings in click bank screenshots and whatnot. This is a system developed by Daniel Young and it’s the same old Internet marketing strategy that a lot of gurus use. They like to show you how “easy” it is to use their “marketing system” and how you can earn a bunch of profits on pure autopilot. This is an IM product that revolves around the sales pitch of a software that’s going to “generate” tons of traffic for you without even trying. C’mon man! Give me a break! Most likely you already knew what was up but had to come to my Push Button Cash Site review anyways. Good thing though. Let me tell you how scammers make so much money.

It’s all bait. What Push Button Cash Site does is provide you with a crappy product but what they’re really trying to do is build a list. You need to enter in your info in order to see “how it works”. But really they are just looking to add you to their growing list so they can bombard you in the future with more offers and make more money off you. It’s also bait and switch. The crappy software goes for about $49 and then there been a trend up so you on needing some kind of license this can cost you $100 or so. It’s very misleading and it’s all set up for the system to profit off of you as much as possible.

One of the biggest problems I have with Push button Cash Site is that it’s going to be pretty much useless unless you know how to get tons of traffic because it is in affiliate program itself. That’s the main reason why people would be promoting it in a positive light. It simply nothing more to get you to trust the reviewer and them to sell this to you and make commission off you even if it doesn’t work and even if you don’t make any money at all with it. It’s sad and a lot of affiliate marketers do this that’s life you come across any kind of YouTube videos or reviews on this product and they are endorsing it, be very aware. It is pretty easy to get a refund since it is sold through a affiliate marketplace. There are ways to spot out’s future crappy IM software products like this and let me show you.

Any time a software product says they’re going to auto mass something, you should stay away. First of all just think about all the other people that are purchasing the software. If they have the same product as you, how does that make you stand out in any way and how is that going to limit competition? Of course the traffic if there is any is probably bots or is just low quality crappy traffic that will never convert. You really just have to use common sense whenever you run into a program or software system like Push Button Cash Site or anything else similar.

Making money online is a skill and more specifically if you are brand-new you are probably looking into affiliate marketing. You definitely can me lots of money but it’s not the be through a software system that you join or pay hundred dollars to get. Don’t get me wrong. There are tools that cost a couple hundred dollars but they are not performance tools that guarantee you automatic profits and traffic.


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