Fast Cash Biz Review- Quick Buck For Scammers?

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Fast Cash Biz’s (FCB) sales pitch goes like this, “Your shortcut to unlimited wealth.” And it just reminded of one famous quote by JRR Tolkien: “Shortcuts make long delays.” And in this case, that delay is going to cost you hundreds of dollars. After seeing all the raving reviews on Google, I decided to open one and not surprising enough, the URL contains an affiliate code. I’ll get to this in a few.

Huge Sales Video Of Course

The website is minimalistic. It’s designed to turn your focus into their video which is about 30 minutes long. If you want to be spared having to waste your time watching that, I’d gladly provide you with the summary.

Madison Clark and David Graham, the creators, give you an overview of their lavish lifestyle. Although for a second there, I thought they were just salespeople selling insurance or something. The moment they start talking, you’ll know they’re actors. Maybe it’s how they say things or how confident they look at the camera; you just can’t think these are owners of a multi-million company. They’re one of those people you see on TV, trying to convince you that the new cookware is better than what you’re using, or that you can DIY everything in your home with one device. I know because I’ve seen a lot of them.

Clark and Graham claimed that FCB has helped them earn a total of $55M in just three years. Then they provide screenshots which are not verifiable. These are never solid proofs to backup their claims. I couldn’t even see the numbers clearly before they shift again to another “bank account.” After that, things get really funny because they try so hard to “show” you that they’re living an amazing life.

How did they do that?

First, they get out of the yacht and into a luxury car with the FCB logo on their plate. Next, they get off at the airport to ride a private plane. That must have been a pretty expensive film shooting. You see, skepticism often pays in times like this. I have some points which you may want to know because it’s going to help you dodge other types of scams in the future.

  • FCB is another binary options software.

That alone is a dead giveaway that this is nothing but a scam. But wait, they won’t tell you that in the video. Somehow, they managed to dodge the HOW question – how can you earn that massive amount in a day? How does it work? Because if you find out they’re into binary options, you might just run the other way which is what I advise you to do. Because for all the technology on earth, nothing has every worked that could accurately predict results in this type of trading. And with only two options, you’re better off with your guesses than this worthless software.

  • They always make outrageous claims.

But if you check their disclaimer, they’ll tell you that FCB doesn’t guarantee any earnings. Yes, even though they also said that their accuracy rate is at 100%. That only goes to show that consistency and honesty is not in their vocabulary.

  • They use actors as owners or users.

Most of these can be found on Fiverr. But really, sometimes, one look is all it takes to tell you there’s something off about them. They look over-enthusiastic or others even make subtle mistakes like looking at their scripts. Over time, you’ll also be so keen in spotting mistakes. Trust me on this.

  • They have affiliates that help promote their software.

I mentioned the paid reviews before. Well, these people get a commission of $250 if they get vulnerable victims to sign up. They’re just as heartless as the scammers.

I find it disheartening that so many scammers are still out there trying to con people into thinking they’re about to make thousands and millions of dollars thru a useless software. Use the short checklist above if you spot any of them since these scams change names and URL once they’ve been exposed.


Fast Cash Biz may have invested in their sales video but they’re bound to get all those money back if anyone signs up. They’re on Clicksure which is where a lot of scams are affiliated with. As to refunds, you’re lucky if you can get a hold of any customer service representative IF they have one.

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