Legit Writing Jobs Scam- Exposing Review

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legit_writing_jobs_In a world of opportunity, you would think that there would exist real legit writing jobs where you can get paid for doing articles, blogs, and other stuff straight from home. Right? Well, that’s exactly how they get you. You see, I’ve been doing online marketing for a number of years and I remember way back when I was trying to look for different ways to make money from home, one of the things that clicked in my head would be to become a writer. It just makes sense, right? There are tons of websites out there that I’m sure need work? Yeah, there are. But please believe that they are not going to go out and hunt for you. You would have to go hunt for them. Plus it’s extremely hard, nearly impossible to land a writing job that pays well or even close. I’m going to show you how this program Legit Writing Jobs is actually a disguised scam. It doesn’t really provide you with work, but more info on where to find work that you’re going to have to pay for. Not only that, but there are a few troubling things that really concern me about the actual website itself.

The LegitWritingJobs.com Website

legit_writing_jobs_scam_So visiting the website you will easily see that Legit Writing Jobs is really just a capture page. There is a lot of ad copy going on here and stuff listed on the site like having flexible hours, choosing topics that you’re passionate about, and earning great income doing what you love, and also work such as ebooks, magazines, and you know the rest. You don’t really know what exactly you’re getting into other than if you sign up you will be granted access. So, there is a sign up form where you fill out your first name, email, and what country you are from. One of the things that really bothered me is that there are security seals at the bottom that are not clickable. What this tells me is that the seals are fake and they are not really linked up with the security companies which is a huge red flag. It’s not an uncommon tactic that a lot of scam websites you used to build your trust, as I have seen it plenty of times. So what happened after I signed up?

After You Sign Up…

legit_writing_jobs_legit_So pretty much after you sign up you will be directed to what looks like a Legit Writing Jobs sales letter. There are different topics of interest to read about such as what it takes to make money writing online content, and you will see some what looks like fabricated testimonials on the right side. I can tell because these photos look like they are stock and they don’t really tell you much of anything other than how great it is to work from home and be your own boss and make tons of money easily which we all know is pretty much bull crap. Now, one of the things that bothers me a lot is that there is a checklist that says “edit content and proofread and earn up to $250 per day”. I want you to tell me what profession pays that much for simply adding content and proofreading? I mean, people go to college for years and years to become engineers and don’t even make that kind of money. So you’re telling me you’re going to make $250 per day just editing and proofreading content? No way. Another way you can smell out that this is a scam is this that it says write short articles and earn up to $55 per article. Now, I’ve done outsourcing where I have hired people to do articles for me and I won’t pay them more than five dollars and 50 cents. In fact one of the websites that I go to to get work, I can’t really find an option to pay somebody $55 unless the article is thousands and thousands of words long and somebody with the extremely high rating gets the job.

Every link in this sales letter page leads to the checkout page. I mean it says “Needed ASAP: proofreaders / editors” and when you click on the link on the right that says sign up, it takes you straight to the checkout page. Checkout page? You mean you have to pay? Please show me one job that is legitimate where you actually have to pay to become employed? That’s freaking insane. Which takes me to my next point..

The Checkout

legit_writing_jobs_clickbank_If you look at all the fine print and if you’re an experienced affiliate marketer let myself, you know exactly what legit writing jobs really is. It’s nothing more than an affiliate product itself. You can sell this to hopeful people who are looking for jobs online because they believe that once they buy into it, they’re going to get tons of work and make lots of money. The only one that makes money is the 1 selling this Legit Writing Jobs product. I know it is a product because if you look really closely underneath it all it says that your purchase will appear on your bank statement under the name Clickbank. If you know what Clickbank is, it is nothing more than an an affiliate marketplace of tons of “make money online” products. 

You Will Get Billed $17.97 Per Month?

legit_writing_jobs_review_Going back to how Legit Writing Jobs is not really a job at all, it’s going to cost you $4.95 just to try it out and get started. But wait, there’s more. If you look really closely you will see a little section on the checkout page that says future payments, monthly payment of $17.97. That’s right, every month you will be billed almost 18 dollars to remain a member of this program and lots of times it is very difficult to get your money back and it is a big headache trying to get a refund. Thankfully, Clickbank tends to give out refunds much easier than the actual vendors.

How Do You Really Make Money Writing Online?

If you were ever going to look for work when it comes to writing online, you might as well start your own blog website where you can build a home based business expressing your thoughts common, opinions, and knowledge. What do I mean by that? Let’s say you love camping. You can literally build a website and blog every day on different topics of camping and start building out your website, so that it grows, gets more traffic, and you can actually earn lots of money through advertising and affiliate products. There is one program that will show you how to do this a legitimate way. Again, it is not a job, but it is more of a home based business that can really work well from you.

P.S. Make sure you check out the #1 affiliate income opportunity if you're looking to make money the right way...

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