Online Revenue Concepts Review- Nothing New About This Scam

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When somebody says that you can earn huge cash but without telling you HOW, they’re usually up to no good. More often than not, they’ll sell you the hype and the dream that goes alongside financial freedom. They’ll constantly parade it in your face what you can do with all the money you can make – you can go on vacations any time you like, you can buy your dream house or car.

For Online Revenue Concepts, without further explanation what the real business is, you’ll be redirected to the purchase page. It’s like they’re impatient to get their hands on your credit card details.

The Cost Isn’t Much, But…

The cost is at a measly $1.95 but if you won’t cancel the subscription, you’ll end up paying $30 per month. That doesn’t seem a lot but considering that you won’t be getting anything in return, it’s lose-lose situation for you. Either way, it’s imperative for you to always read the fine print because that’s where they always admit how things really go – like if they don’t actually guarantee any earnings and so forth.

In fact, a quick check on their site will yield you an early warning that it may not be safe and they could be pulling out some information from you. You definitely have to heed this warning but if you want to continue, proceed with caution.

Fake Logos That Have Nothing To Do With

You’ll notice some logos from big companies on top which are pretty much there for aesthetic purposes and also to give the impression that Online Revenue Concepts is legit. The thing is, it’s a tactic often used by other scam artists like those running this particular scheme. The reason why they’re so shady even at the start is because what you’ll be doing is posting links.

How will you earn? If, and with emphasis on that word, people will click and buy what you advertised. Yes, that’s how you will get “rich.” But wait, there’s more to this company than just baiting you.

They know siphoning 30 bucks from you on a monthly basis isn’t enough. So aside from that, they will use your email address for two things: first, they’ll sell this information to other marketers who will spam you until your mailbox will be full of them and second, Online Revenue Concepts will use your detail themselves. Their trained salespeople will badger you to avail of their products and programs. Never ever underestimate them since they will hound you until you give in. They don’t mind being unethical and annoying as long as they make sales.

If you haven’t joined them yet, that’s good. You just saved yourself from a lot of trouble. Because if you’ve given them your credit card details, the best way to avoid having unauthorized charges is tell your bank that you’re cancelling your card. Yes, that’s quite an inconvenience for one company.


There have been several link posting scams in the past and there will be many more in the future. They will thrive because somebody is still falling for them. Don’t be a victim. Always play safe and do a search on Google for any legit and unbiased review.

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