Wealthy Affiliate Is The #1 Affiliate Income Opportunity

Posted by in #1 Recommendation | 219 comments

WA_picture_-300x211Wealthy Affiliate is the best program out there, hands-down. It actually shows you how to affiliate marketing the correct way so you can create profit straight from home. Kyle and Carson are the owners and have years and years helping newbies get started and pointed in the right direction. WA is here to stay and is just improving every single month. And yes, it does work. 

WA Is About 4 Main Steps That Actually Generate Income

WA helps you put together and target the 4 major steps it takes to make money from home through a home business. This is going to work really for you, especially if you’re a beginner. I mean, really the best thing to do is go ahead and start an account to see what it’s all about. 

I love WA and what it has to offer with people. So go ahead and get started. And remember, avoid online scams at all costs!

Click Here For Wealthy Affiliate!


  1. will this program help me break in to copy writing? If so what does the program contain?

    • Yes, copy-writing is an important part of creating income with your site. This is all covered with WA!

  2. So do you have to have your own product/content and this program basically shows you how to develop a presence online?

    • No, you don’t have to have your own product! That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing. This program shows you the exact steps it takes to develop a presence online, yes, but also how to turn it into profit.

  3. Hi Misha. First thing is first…you will NOT find anything legit online where you make anything significant right away. The faster you realize that, the faster you can actually make money. You need to learn affiliate marketing and then apply action consistently. It is possible to create a nice income within months if you work hard. Don’t keep getting burned by affiliate programs that say you’re going to make money fast…because you won’t!!! That’s why I like WA. Tells it like it really is.

  4. I would love to learn more …I have some great ideas

    • Awesome. Would love to hear about them!

  5. Hi Vince,

    I own an ecig distribution company, can this help me to reach more potential customers?

    Can I use this platform to help others create more customers for their businesses also?


    • Yes, absolutely. You can build a website and draw in customers.

  6. HI Vince

    I would like to supplement my income through online home based work as I only work half day. I have a website that offers Pre & Post Natal exercise and would like to offer online classes not just from where I reside but worldwide – Now would WA assist me with this? I’ve tried a few ‘online survey and make money’ things but I’m a little new to this. I am also desperate to teach online as well, and the few sites that I have signed up to are taking forever for me to secure students. Can WA assist me with this?

    Kind regards

    • Yes, absolutely Nicole. WA pretty much provides everything and anything you need to build a successful online business from scratch, or build off your current one.

  7. is there a way to incorporate WA into my existing blog? I don’t want to maintain two pages but would like to us WA as a way to get affiliate marketing onto my blog.

    • Yes, absolutely. Even if you have an existing site already, WA can help you take it to the next level.

      • Hi Vince just found this website while reviewing richjanitor. There are so many scams out there. 2 things,
        1.Would WA work for a DIY programme we are putting together and 2 have you reviewed Anik Singal. He seems to be good and quite popular at the moment, what are your thought? WA definitely sounds like something I will start with .Many thanks in anticipation for your input and for reviewing scams. Sue

        • Hi Sue. Yes, WA would work for a DIY site because it teaches you how to build and market any niche idea you have. And I have heard of Anik Singal, but haven’t reviewed anything on him yet I don’t think.

  8. Vince:

    WA is a great Business Idea. Question? Content I am not a writer.

    Have any suggestions?

    • Yeah, definitely. There is lots of help within the community that can give their input on ideas if you just can’t come up with content ideas. But, the training itself should be enough. Just set up an account.

    • I just began at SFI with the training process< and what doubted me of SFI is that I began telling a friend on FB the link I suppose to give to him to open the link so that he can also join< but it just said that the link is malicious and that I cannot send it. So I just stopped with it, a lot of stuff to learn, and they are very interested that you learn andput it in process at the same time. I JUST QUIT

  9. hai vince i search you page because of money mobile code .. i dont know what to do as affielate because i just sign in in click bank yesterdays , i newbie and not have website , what should i do?? i just try be affialate to get some money to pay y university fees , not to become full time affielate because i currently student right know. and suggestion. thank you

  10. Hi Vince,
    Before discovering your website, I responded to an offer from the Home Cash Flow Club. I thought it was legit since they claimed it had been recognized and encouraged by Donald Trump. Besides the $97 it cost to join, I was also encouraged to pay $84 for a Google VIP membership. I didn’t know this could be a scam. Should I try and work it now that I’ve invested all that money? I don’t have any niche or product ideas, their offer looked so promising. I don’t want to waste time or any more money. Wish I had known about WA!

    • Those are nothing but upsells that are going to get you very general, vague info about affiliate marketing I’m sure. You’ll get 10x’s the value with a free WA starter membership. No doubt. I would just cut your losses and move on to WA. I mean, you could try to get your money back from Home Cash Flow Club.

  11. Vince – I want to make money online, I have no product to sell or business to offer. Does WA have any ventures to assist me with making money on the Internet? Or do you have to come to the table with something already?

    • WA is all about teaching you exactly how to make online money, no matter what experience level you are. This is perfect for beginners and “newbies” especially. And no, you don’t need to bring anything to the table already. All you need to do, is create an account and everything else will be explained to you.

  12. Hello Vince, I am a single mom and I would really like to find a work at home/online form of income. I don’t have a business or product to sell, though I’m good at working on the computer and I’m a a quick learner I’m interested i joining WA-. But I’m confused about how I will make money if I don’t have anything to sell.

    • No worries, Robin. There are a LOT of single moms within the community who are absolutely crushing it!! The simplest thing to do is, go ahead and create an account and walk through the first few lessons and everything will be explained to you as to how it all works.

  13. Hi Vince, I have no marketing experience. Will that make it difficult for me and extended monetary income timeliness?

    • No, actually you will learn much faster than any other program since the training is broken down into “bite-size” simple lessons that you can go through quickly, even if you have ZERO experience as I did when I first started out. The key is actually DOING the steps and putting in work.

  14. I am so happy to be not only a member but also a rep also. It has truly changed my life. Yes we work hard, but when we play, We Play Hard!!!! With the Best Hotels Resorts, IN the best of company. Everyone u meet in this is so cool.

  15. hi Vince, I really want to make money online. I’ve tried some money making websites but it turns out that these websites are scams, at first they reward you with a balance just for signing up but eventually they junk you up by not sending you surveys ,ads,etc. I really want to start a money making website in a good way and not imitate those scammers out there and earn a good money. Can I really have that honest kind of living just by being at home with my family?

    • Yeah I know there are so many scams out there. That’s why I talk about them on my site. But yes, you can definitely generate a real living online, from home, and WA can show you exactly how. Of course, it’s going to take some hard work, but it does actually work.

  16. Hi Vince,
    I live in England and would like to sell bathroom products. Is all this available for me?

    • Yes. Absolutely. Any niche. WA will show you how to make money with anything. Understand it’s not just about products or a niche, but about marketing.

  17. hi, vince am interested how can i get started?

    • Awesome. To get started, just click on the link above in the article.

  18. I tried to make an account but it said that I already had one, so I did pass word help and I put in my email, well it said that my email is not found. it doesn’t give me the option to see what my user name is so I tried to make a new account. so what do I do?

    • Try using a different email and start over with a different username as well.

  19. just wondering vice how come on your last comments your name was admin? and not Vince? Because I was getting very interested in getting a membership but I am quite nervous. I do want to create a blog for hair and nail design but I just don’t know how to get started. I have never blogged before or created one. how do I take my first step?

    • Because “admin” means administrator (me), but then I just changed it to “Vince” beginning last year. You can be sure I am a real person and am here to help. You are going to want to sign up and create a membership with WA. Just click the link in the article above. It will explain everything.

      • Can you do this program off of your phone or do you need a computer?

        • Yes, you could do it off your phone. However, I would prefer using a computer. Much easier.

  20. Hi Vince I’m with Primerica.. and I want to ask if this WA can help with my business?

    • Yeah absolutely, John. WA teaches people how to use the Internet and make money. Some people already have an existing business as well, and look for ways to expand. WA could help you with that as well. It’s all about teaching anyone how to work from home, and develop an income stream…if that makes sense.

  21. Hi,
    I own a tutoring company amd the website is http://www.ecltutoring.com and would like to have people visit my website and learn more about me…would WA help?

    • Absolutely, Marilyn. Plenty of people who also use WA as a resource to help market their existing business. It works from the newbie all the way to the experienced.

  22. Vince, I’m now living in Chile and I want to freelance offering Excel services and solutions online both to companies inside Chile and outside (especially US). Can WA help me reach domestic and external customers and help me deal with charging internationally?

    • Hey Guy. I haven’t really touched that area of WA, but I’m sure there is training on how to do local SEO and advertising so you can attract the clients you want in your area. WA teaches and touches upon just about everything you can think of.

    • When you become a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can actually MAKE a training module for others to use. If they don’t have something like what you are looking for, you can become the creator, which will increase your ranking inside the member base. This is part of what makes WA so unique. The members help with the coaching in areas they excel in, causing everybody to learn and grow. This is by far the best I have seen anyplace else. The founders are friendly and highly visible, helping online at all different hours. If they are not there at the exact time you need them so urgently, you can ask a question and expect an answer within a short while. This would be from an expert member that really cares about your success. I am one of those caring members and I have barely started to scratch the surface of this site. Believe me, this is the real deal! You need to put hard work into it to reap the rich rewards.

  23. Hey Vince, I appreciate the time and effort that you have put into answering peoples questions however, I have one for you. what steps do I take and how do I sign up for WA?

  24. when do i start

    • Just click the link in the article there.

  25. So, basically you’re just trying to convince us to join that page because that page pays you for everytime one of us subscribes or whatnot right??.. Dont you see the conflict of interests here?

    • Not sure if you understand how affiliate marketing works here, Thomas, but allow me to explain. I make $0 when someone visits this page and joins. In fact, WA provides a completely FREE starter membership for people so they can explore, test it out, and learn some valuable lessons of Internet marketing and making money online. The only way I would earn income as an affiliate is if, yes IF, that person saw enough value in the company to the point they would want to upgrade to a Premium membership which is totally optional. So, in other words, the product has to speak for itself as far as community, support, training and if someone deems it valuable enough for them to up their membership. Hope that makes sense!

      • Since it is so rare in this industry, I think people are having a hard time with the concept of “people helping one another.” They also do not understand what “internet marketing” is all about. These are the same people that could climb the ladder to success with a very short learning curve as long as they put forth the effort!

  26. I’ve been eat up alive by scams and worked my tail of to get MLM going. I have some computer experience but no guru on it. I have no niche, no product to promote, no content, etc.. Does WA provide the niche, product, content through training?

    • Absolutely, Tanya. There is a bootcamp you can take where WA shows you a niche and you just follow the training.

  27. Hi Vince,
    I am a professional dog (and people) trainer and walker and I now need to add a new dimension to my business. I had a severe knee injury as a result of 2 dogs running into me and so I want to add affiliate marketing of healthy pet products, etc. to my website and start making some passive income. I can do a bit of dog walking now but certainly my group walking days are over and so has been the income. Would I be able to get started quickly with WA and learn how to succeed considering that I’m not the Most tech savvy? Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. please view my website…www.caninenanny.com

    • Brenda, WA would be perfect for you! 🙂 You will learn how to market your site to the Internet world, and you could also to your local market. WA teaches just about every subject you can think of, including how to use social media, to your advantage. Think of WA as a place that teaches you how to make money from home through a legitimate online business.

  28. What do you think about “pro travel plus”

    • Not sure what that is…I’ll look into it.

  29. Dear sir, Thanks for all,

  30. hello!
    many thanx for your review on clixsense and for drawing my attention to WA right here.
    Im looking into signing up. I have a qs tho. Is it possible to earn about 500$ a month , realistically speaking with working on 1 website alone?

    • Yeah, no doubt. Lots of members of WA making a lot more than $500 from just 1 website. In fact, many including myself, have been able to quit our jobs and work from home full time from the income of just 1 website. There is no limit to how many you can build. BUT please keep in mind it is going to take some good old fashioned hard work to get things going along with consistency. No doubt about it.

  31. Hi Vince can anyone join Wealthy Affiliate, meaning from another country (internationally)

    • Yes, International folk are welcome!

  32. Hello, I was looking in to project payday and then I read your article and watched your YouTube video. Now I’m more interested in Wealthy Affiliate, can you tell me more?

    • If you just create a free membership, you could check it out and see what it’s all about. It’s definitely the best place on the Internet right now, to learn how to create legit income online. No doubt. Everything else is either or scam, or just doesn’t show you enough of what you need to know. Period.

  33. Hello Vince,
    My spouse happens to be very popular in he MMA field and I would love to know if you consider this a good Niche to become a part of ?

    He doesn’t have much experience with making his own site, etc…
    However He learns basics pretty fast.

    He has been in MMA since he was 8y/o

    Also did you ever follow through with Millionaire Marketing Machine?

    Please any input would be great thanks 🙂

    • I think Wealthy Affiliate is going to be the perfect fit for him. WA was designed to take someone with 0% experience, and still succeed. The training is step by step. I also think MMA could be a great niche with lots of opportunity to create a money-making home business. That’s for sure. Btw, Millionaire Marketing Machine is just another get rich quick scheme. No time for that.

  34. Hi vince, nice review. I have a question, how long does the free membership last? Is it like a 30-day trial?

    • Free membership can last as long as you like. However, you do get to enjoy the Premium benefits when you create a free membership and try it out for 7 days.

  35. Does this require any selling or taking phone calls ?

    • No lol absolutely not. No phone calls or selling. Everything is through the website as far as communication and WA teaches you how to build a website of value where people find YOU and not the other way around.

  36. Hi, thanks for the information. I am in MLM, I understand affiliate. What products would I be promoting for a commission? If I choose a niche, could I then change my mind? Iv noticed questions if this could help with their current business, I promote products already and get paid commission, how could this help me improve my current business?

    • Hi Vince,

      How many product or cliche could I promote in my (one) website?


      • You could actually promote any products you like and how many you want. BUT, I think you’re going to learn through WA how to do things the proper way so you can see maximum results.

  37. Hi, if one has a full time job, can you still do this in the evenings or at night?

    • Yes, absolutely Raquel! This is something you can do on the side. Most people start out like that and I recommend it that way as well. Keep your job, but dedicated effort to WA. It is possible to even replace your job with a home business when you get things going.

  38. Hi… I came across with Survey Junkie today and signed up. but after awhile I thought of reading some online reviews if it’s legit. And saw yours, read it, and here I am wondering if Weathy Affiliate is also genuine. just hoping it can realy help with extra income while staying at home. just need some confirmation from you.. 🙂

    • This seems to be a never ending loop of mistrust and scams or misleading. Irene I am so with you. Will there ever be something we can trust. At this point I am researching and wondering alongside you. I will keep looking because there has to be something out there to make money online. I hope I am not sure you or Vince are even reall people.

      • And Samantha, yes I am a real person. Lol!!!

    • Hi Irene. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is as good as it gets. I know there is a whole world of “make money online opportunities” out there. WA is really the only one, and I can say this as a full-time Internet marketer, that truly does teach you the correct, and legit way to create income from home through affiliate marketing.

      I understand your hesitation in joining or considering or whatever. The best advice I can give you, is to create a free membership, go through the training, explore around, ask questions, and see if this is for you.

      Survey sites out there are just a waste of time, and you are much better off just doing affiliate marketing from home using the same time and energy, and make MUCH more.

  39. Hello,
    I am interested. Do you need a Facebook account in order to sign up?

    • Nope. You don’t need a Facebook account to sign up 🙂

  40. How long does it take to start earning money with this system? I have often been swamped with information about what to do with the net effect that I don’t do anything due to information overload. How can this system prevent that?

    • This system breaks things down into bite-size pieces. It was meant to take the absolutely clueless beginner newbie, and show them how to go from 0 all the way to making money online. You can go at your own pace, and it is very easy to follow along. How long does it take? It depends on the individual and how much effort they put up front. It is possible to start earning in a fairly short time, if you were to work hard at it.

  41. Vince,

    I’m someone who’s been onlne for years, have spent money to rarely make it back. 2 questions:

    Would WA be a good place to help me sort out my thinking? My mind has been in “fantasy” mode for too long. Making anything on a daily basis would be better than making nothing day after day.

    Is WA good for this? It’s a very big question, but I’m wondering. Thank you

    • If I could put it to you in a nutshell, WA is the end all be all for affiliate marketing and helping someone build a home based online business from start, all the way to money. You would have thousands of others to help you “sort out your thinking” in open forums, training, tutorials, and even 1 on 1 support (including me to help out). WA sounds like a good fit for you. I would recommend at least just giving it a shot.

  42. Hey Vince just wonder I work in sales right now so I do have marketing experience and I’m very good at it would this program be a good side gig for some extra cash and be able to catch on fast

    • A sales and marketing background can definitely help, but you can also be a complete newbie with 0% experience and still make WA work. It almost doesn’t really matter what background you have. WA teaches anyone from start all the way to Internet money by showing them how to build a successful home business. Make sense?

  43. I am interested in doing a video blog. I was originally thinking about doing a YouTube channel but will this help me too?

    • Yeah absolutely. WA tackles all different angles of Internet marketing. The main focus is building a business and marketing it through search engines, but there is also awesome training on how to market through Youtube and Facebook which is a tremendous plus.

  44. HI Vince, I am Chinese in Australia and love cooking western food. I plan to set up a blog in Chinese to publish my recipe and cooking tip for Chinese market. do you think it can line up with WA?

    • Yeah absolutely, David. WA can also teach you how to take your current ideas and turn them into income by learning how to do online marketing properly.

  45. Are all these comments even real?

    • Yeah, they sure are, Erec. I don’t do fake comments lol It does no one good.

      • Awesome!

      • Can you explain more about this? How is money made?

        • Yes, Lucinda. The best thing to do is click any of the links in my review above, and just create a free membership. Everything will be explained from start to finish.

  46. Im a little hesitant to try I have no experience I am not so computer savvy but I need something to help with income I am 46 and on disability for a neck injury have not been able to find job with full time pay for part time hours having a hard time excepting my situation and living off of SSD just doesent cut it I don’t want to be scamed can you help

    • Yeah I think the best thing would be to just go ahead and try it out for free and see if it is for you!

  47. Hi Eltoro. It’s not $97. You actually can get up and running for free! There is an optional Premium membership , as described here in my review, but that’s up to you when you get to that point.

    • Hi Vince! Do you still get paid during the “free” portion of the program or just AFTER the Premium membership is obtained?

      • Very good question and one that I would like to know the answer to also.

      • Yes, you can still get paid commissions with a free membership as an affiliate. The commissions however, won’t be as large. But there is still opportunity for you.

  48. Hi Vince. WA sounds interesting but I have quite a few questions. I’d love to make a beauty blog – is WA suitable for blogging? How much could I expect to earn working 10-12 hours per week with the free membership? Sorry if that’s a difficult question to answer! Is there an age limit (I think Adsense is 18+, so as I’m younger than 18 I don’t know if I would be able to advertise)? And would the money be paid directly into my bank account?
    Thanks for all the info and sorry for so many questions!

    • WA is perfect for teaching you how to blog and make money from home doing it. No doubt. If you could truly put in 10-12 hours per week of hard-work, we’re talking about life changing income in just a matter of months. I’m not sure about the age limit, but I would probably check with your folks and make sure it’s okay to join and start an online business. And as far as payment, it depends on what affiliate networks you team up with to monetize your site. If you are going to be a WA partner, then mainly it’s Paypal.

  49. Thank you for sharing this information.
    I am definitely going to try it out!

    • Sounds good, Katrina. You won’t regret it!

      • I am Clarissa. I am going to join WA. But I would like to join as a partner to an affiliate. How does this work? I do not have a website.

        • Everything is explained within WA, Clarissa 🙂

  50. I looked at WA. You get paid for referring people, how is that different from an MLM? You also make money if the referred person buys the premium package. I guess you also make money off the created website, but how is this different from other “tell your friends and family about us” companies?

    • Hi Rebecca. It is very different. It is free to join, and if someone wants to upgrade to Premium, I do earn a small commission. That’s it. It stops there. I don’t make money if that new person refers people. There is no multiple tier. The primary focus of WA is to help people find a niche, and build a website and earn a solid income through a home business. It doesn’t become a game of trying to help your new referrals find more referrals and them find more referrals and make more money from a growing downline, which MLM is 100% about. MLM is all about “telling your friends and family” It’s all about recruiting. Not finding a niche and marketing to an audience. Yes, there is a bootcamp people can follow if they absolutely can’t find a niche, and the bootcamp shows how to become a partner with WA like I am. But that’s optional. I don’t make money off any created websites. Hope that clears a few things up for ya.

      • Hi Vince. You mentioned becoming a partner. How much money is that going to cost. Like many others I’m pretty sick of laying all my cards on the table about what I’m looking for and about not wanting to be scammed yet, that’s what ends up happening in one way or another. Thanks for your reply.

        • Yeah partner is just my fancy way of saying “affiliate” lol. It costs nothing to become an affiliate. You can be one at the free level and Premium level. The pay is less though at the free level. It’s a smaller commission.

  51. My passion is blogging. I looked in the mirror one day and decided no one was putting me out to pasture just yet. My friends and I are still active and looking for adventure. My Ideal blog would consist of: Travel sites and where to go for some out of the house fun, food and fitness and health and just a place for new friends to meet. Does this sound like something Wealthy Affiliate could help me with. Could I make money from doing this.

    • Haha…wow…I love it! Yes! You’ve got the picture here. WA will definitely show you how to build a money making blog…even from scratch! It’s all in the training on exactly what to do. In fact, I would say this is the only way to really make money from home and there’s no better place to help than WA.

      A travel site would do EPIC and especially with all the ideas you can come up with for content. WA will show you how to tailor these ideas to the Internet, so you can actually generate revenue through affiliate marketing. It’s what I do, as well as many others now, full-time. It works. It’s awesome and anyone can do it.

      I hope that helped a little 🙂 Look forward to see you grow,

  52. My interest is firearms, can this be a legit niche?

    • Yeah, this could be a niche. There are lots of entertainment websites and Internet personalities out there that bank on it. One example is FPSRussia from Youtube. Another is Hickok45. There are other big websites that deal and upload videos of combat, firearms, armor, and everything else. There is lots of money to be made. It just comes down to executing the WA training and following along. That’s what the whole point of WA is…to show you how to make real money off a niche idea. I would recommend to get started and just see what it’s about.

  53. Is this kind of like starting a blogging website? If so this sounds amazing I’ve been wanting to learn how to do this but WordPress and other sites don’t give you any help!

    • Well you’re in luck, Nicole! That’s exactly what WA teaches…how to build a blog website from scratch, and make money from it. Even if you have an existing site, WA will still help you take it to the next level through its high quality training, community, and support. But this would be perfect for beginners who want to get into affiliate marketing, without taking the hard road to figure things out. Everything is laid out for you! I would suggest to give it a shot.

  54. Hi vince is there away to contact you for any questions?

    • Absolutely Avi. The best way would be to create a free account in WA. It’s the easiest way for me to communicate with people. You can leave comments on people’s profiles and ask questions you have about affiliate marketing.

  55. Hi Vince,

    About how many hours a week would you need to dedicate to bring in approximately $500 a week? I am a hard worker with a small business and work from home already. I have down time and could use that time to work on another project. What are your thoughts?

    • Great question Dani. I would say if you’re brand new, working about 10-12 hours per week could absolutely bring in that kind of income if you are consistent. But keep in mind that you must learn the ins and outs and skills first, if you don’t know them and WA is going to show you everything you need to know. If you are a hard worker, you are going to come in with a huge advantage, because to be honest, hard work is what’s going to bring in the money…especially in the beginning. As you start earning more and more, things start flow a lot more on autopilot to the point where you don’t need to grind as much, BUT make even more income. It’s pretty awesome and affiliate marketing provides this opportunity to regular folk trying to make some extra income.

  56. Hi,
    I am currently attending meetings to become a member of Amway. However, there are some things that I’m a little skeptical about. Something is telling me to explore my options before I make the big decision. Is there a way that I could set up a meeting with a wealthy affiliate associate to find out more about the business?

    • Laura,

      Hi, I’ve known several people who sell Amway, its ok but it is a piramid program, The company has been around several years, and i’ve personally used their products, a little expensive but legit.

      Good Luck

    • My husband were in Amway for 7 plus years and it is very difficult to make money off of their expensive products. They want you to buy those products and sell others on the dream of making it big by having them by the products to reach their goals. Most of the money goes Upline and if you do not make a certain level of points, you can get penalized unless they did away with this part. I would not do it unless you are very good at selling and don’t mind doing public speaking.

  57. Hi .Vince I need to k ow if this could be done living in South Africa

  58. When you signed up was your felid of interest WA? Is this part of your income stream, advertising this business?
    I am sceptical, I have made terrible financial decisions and lost a lot of time and a lot of money. I have no knowledge of doing an internet job. I use the computer for personal use like emails, google, Facebook and purchasing goods so everything outside of that is foreign territory. Will this be difficult for someone like me?
    Thank you for your help!

  59. I am seeking a work from home position earning at least $500.00 every two weeks. Is it possible with this program? I will be signing up within a week from now and I will definitely look forward for assistance.

    I am new to internet marketing, every bit of information would be helpful.


  60. Hi Vince,
    I’m looking to make around $200 a month. Is that possible? How long do you think it will take me to get to that point? I’m a full time college student with a part-time job but I’m still struggling financially. I hope I can use this money to buy textbooks. Do you think that’s possible?

  61. Hello Vince. this is Marko from Serbia. I just want to say, what a great reviewing website you have here. I found out about Wealthy Affiliate some months ago but back then I didn`t feel comfortable with investing in anything. I noticed straight away that WA is legit, I just didn`t have a single dollar to spare so I can invest. My big question now is how much would I have to invest in the beginning just to jump start my WA business? For example, I am currently interested in making around $500 – $600 a month. How much money would I approximately have to invest to start earning that much? I have a legitimate online job but the problem is it`s paying too low. Nevertheless I can spare some bucks to invest but I don`t know how much. The reason I`m even asking is that I see you are completely ok, as is the WA, I`m sure. So, I would very much appreciate an answer. It doesn`t have to be in this page if you don`t want to talk numbers, you can just e mail me if you want to .

    Thanks in advance, and again, great review site!

    All the best!

  62. Hey Vince,
    I’m a little scared about this because I really want to work from home but have been stuck in a scam before, I would really hate for something like that to happen again.
    I am a mother of two and my husband is going to college this Spring, I know I’m going to have to get a job to help out. I want to be with my kids and have looked into daycare’s in the area but none are hiring, so I have been looking into work-from-home stuff.
    I like the fact that this is free to start making money and if you want to make more than you can upgrade, none of that pay to find out if it works stuff.
    I feel like this is more legit because of how you presented it. All those online jobs I’ve been looking at all say how fast I can make money with no effort. I don’t believe that for one minute, all money comes with time and effort.

    I’m going to give this a try, best of luck!

    • Yeah, I know sometimes it can be frustrating since most “make money online” programs are scams and promise riches and etc. Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely the opposite of that. In fact, there is no hype whatsoever. I would recommend to anyone to just start a free membership at the very least, explore, and see what it’s about.

  63. Is it possible to make $2,000-$3,000 in a month or less? We are behind on our bills and want to catch up quick, we have a 1 & 1/2 year old daughter and want to be able to provide for her better than we are now. And also the money you make working through this, does it take out taxes on the money you get or do you have to put money aside to pay taxes at the beginning of each year? Please and thank you for your advice!

    • Is it possible? Anything’s possible. But, I wouldn’t bet on it. You have to follow the steps and apply action to see results. I’ve never heard of any legit program where you can make that much that fast, unless you are already an expert Internet marketer and have previous resource.

  64. Can you make a real income with this or is it a side job?

    • WA teaches you how to build a small money-making website. It’s a real business. You can make way more money than a side job…or even full-time job. Many people do, including me.

  65. Hi Vince, I truly enjoy your work here, read a number of articles here and you definitely inspired me. Vince, I want to ask you how narrowed down should my interest through WA be? I live in Poland and I’m focused on sustainable living, meaning that my interest span from healthy balanced diets (local, organic healthy food) all the way to installing PV solar panels on my roof or finding low energy consumption refrigerating solutions for restaurants, etc. Would this wide range of interest be a problem for me in WA? I would appreciate any comment. Cheers.

    • Yeah WA will help you narrow it down 🙂

  66. Hi there! i love your explanations on the website, its so hard to believe any advertisements online offering a stay at home job that is secure! This helps a lot i am a senior college student looking to transfer and i an financing all my own bills for college, i di not wan to get wracked up in loans, but i am looking at transferring soon, and majoring in my business degree. Just hard to do without money and this looks like a great opportunity for me to make some income, but help would be needed i am a fresh beginner but very confident to learn new things.

  67. Is this something that I would have to refer people to, or strictly online money?

    • Great question. No, you don’t have to refer people to WA if you don’t want to. WA is a training system that will show you how to tap into any niche or interest of your choice, and build a monthly income. For example, if you like camping, WA will show you how to create a money making website from scratch, in that niche. There is an optional WA referral program (which is what I do), BUT it requires the same amount of learning, work, and effort as any other niche.

  68. Hi Vince,

    My question is, do I need to have lots of email contacts at first to start with WA? This would be a problem for me, because my family and friends (not many) are not into online marketing at all or will ever buy something online. Can I still do this?

    thanks for your reply

    • Hey Sylvia, to answer your questions:

      Nooo. I wouldn’t spam your email contacts with the WA offer. Most likely your friends and family are not interested in online marketing. You are, but it doesn’t mean they are. The cool thing about WA is it will show you how to target any niche audience of your choice. If you love green tea and weight loss, you will be shown how to build a money-making website related to that niche, drive traffic to your site, and make money. It’s all explained in the training!

  69. Hello Vince, I’m writing from Mongolia, I hope you knew a little about Mongolia. In my current situation I really have to make money at home. Actually my English is not perfect but I’m trying to find out the best way to make money by online, and I just find out your recommendation and I think I finally find out what I’m locking for! Sadly, I still afraid, my poor English! Please give me some advices? Does it work with my poor English? Also I have really bad knowledge about internet and web etc, Should I have to read and understand all that terms, privacy and policy?

    • Hi Soko. Yes, you can still build a money-making website even if English is not your 1st language. What it comes down to is giving value to your audience and helpful info. As people appreciate your site and build trust with you, money starts flowing in easier and easier. Also, you can always hire an editor if you really want to who can proof-read for you as well. Hope that helps, Soko, and WA is definitely the best program out there!

  70. Does WA focus on creating online information products as well as affiliate marketing?

    • WA is mainly going to teach people how to make money through affiliate marketing. This is the best way for newbies especially. It costs nothing to be an affiliate with 1000’s of companies, and it’s far more simple. I’m not sure if there’s advanced training on actual product creation, but it definitely will teach you how to market any product and make money from it. For an example, I don’t own any products myself, but I still generate thousands and thousands of dollars each month just providing info on websites.

  71. I would like to make about $4,000 a month and fire my boss. Is this possible? I’d like to know how much money I could make realistically and yes, I’m willing to do the work to make it happen. 🙂

    • Hi Tania. Yes, $4,000 per month is absolutely attainable given that you are willing to work hard and put the effort into your online business as needed. There are many people who do affiliate marketing full-time from the comfort of their own home, including myself. The cool thing is, you can target any niche market and generate results since the training applies to the rules of online marketing…not just 1 niche. It’s definitely a good fit for anybody in my opinion. Hope that helps!

  72. I am a retired Bank customer service rep. I am 66 years of age. Do you think this will work for me?

    • Hi Chandu. Yes, absolutely WA can work for you. In fact, there are many retired folk within the WA community absolutely CRUSHING it and doing phenomenal in their home business and helping others.

      • Dear Vince,
        Sorry about my earlier comments, which I presume were not approved. That was done when I was very disappointed with a response which I normally see on the web and before I went through the other posts in this page,

        I would find it very hard to invest money.
        I have no knowledge about this. I am not good at writing or creating blogs etc. Which is why I am looking for a no investment / free introductory level system.

        What are my chances in this field. Should I really invest and if I do how soon could I start getting a return of say a few hundred dollars a month? Please indicate a time period.


        • Hi Kumar. No problem.

          The reason why it’s not free in India or the Philippines is because too much fraud comes out of those countries as well as members that require over-the-top attention. It actually costs WA.

          Is Premium worth it? Absolutely. If you were to invest in anything online, I would stick to WA. It’s not whether WA works. It’s whether you work.

          Hope that helps,

  73. Absolutely this can work for you, Wayne. WA was designed to take a total newbie and teach them everything they will ever need to know about affiliate marketing and creating income from home. I would say, this is the best program out there and it doesn’t get better than this. You can trust me on that one. I have been in this industry for over 3 years and have become one of the top review blogs in the industry. I’ve literally reviewed 1000’s of programs myself, along with some people on my review team.

    The owners, Kyle and Carson, are actually from Victoria, Canada. So of course you can use this!!

    Hope that helps,

    • Thanks for the quick response Vince, shows me that you do care and again sounds promising. all I have to do now is convince my wife that this is a good idea. I really like the idea of being able to create passive income which gives one the ability and time to pursue other interests. If I come on board I will have about 8 weeks to do something with this. My biggest hurdle will be self confidence and believing personally that I can do this. I was in that same position when I was 50 so it is familiar territory. Please respond through my email or here. I will be back tomorrow.

      Thanks again for your time.

  74. Hi Vince,
    Enjoyed reading your review on WA. Have been looking and researching for quite some time now, have read a lot of reviews about WA and they all look real promising. I, too signed up for about 6 survey sights and have become very disappointed in most of them because of continuous rejections. Haven’t hardly made a dime. I am 65 and been off work with back issues and am on EI and just looking to supplement my income so my wife and I can live the life we would like to. I’m not looking to make a fortune, just enough to live nice, no what I mean? All the reviews say this really works. I am TOTALLY a newbee with no internet sales experience, and have limited cash resources. Being currently unemployed I can devote more free time to something like this. Can this still work and can it still be worked with if I am outside my Country of residence, (Canada)??? I would greatly appreciate a response. Thanks for you time, Wayne

  75. Yeah, I actually think a site around around this would be a good idea. Lots of ways to create content and ultimately drive traffic. You can definitely take advantage of this opportunity to capitalize on the Holiday season.

  76. Hello Vince , and thanks for the info.

    I am a nail tech and I create lots of crazy, stylish, holiday and whatever else the world craves for, do you think this is something I can do ? would this site help me bring in a lil holiday cash and more in the future. or do I need to just go premium and take a chance ?

  77. i recently joined marketamerica, but, i, m start to be skeptical about the chances to make money in this business, may i should try wa, what you think. .?

    • Hi Mashood. Yeah, I would definitely give WA your time. It’s really the only program out there left, that truly does how to do affiliate marketing correctly so you can earn income.

  78. Thank you Vince!! I need some time to have the idea of WA sink in. My eyes are tired. I might just come back here in the future. Regards.

  79. hey vince. is WA able to generate big commissions per month that can replace your job? and in your opinion is it better to you then to just send traffic to affiliate offers.

    • Hi Jake. Actually, the commissions of the WA affiliate program are quite small. You really have to build a solid affiliate marketing business and generate a high volume of referrals. It really depends on you.

      The good thing is, WA will teach you how to make money in ANY niche, and there are quite a few who do make a living in a niche they are passionate about.

      WA is more of a training/education platform along with tons of help and support from the members.

  80. Hi Vince, that sounds pretty well, but I was asking me if this is possible here in Spain, where I´m from.
    Please let me know.

    thanks for your good tips.


    • Yes, I believe it is available in Spain.

  81. Hello Vince!
    Thanks for your review!

    I have a question for you… It is possible start receiving an income with free membership and later, with that income, upgrade to the premium membership?

    • Sure. It’s possible. If you can take the free training and turn it into income, then all the power to you.

  82. I’m not online with my computer. Can WA work with an Android?

    • Yes, WA is mobile compatible. However, I do recommend investing in a desktop, laptop, or tablet. It will make life much easier.

  83. Vince,

    Thanks for the shared information. I was singing up just now and I have already tried to input three of my emails but all it says is I have already registered an account or username unavailable, etc. why can’t I go thru the sing up process?

    • Have you signed up in the past with WA? It has been around for a long time, and sometimes people run into the same issue. Most likely you did at one point sign up, and the system still “remembers” you through the cookies.

      What you can do, is use a completely different computer, IP address, and email, and sign up. It should work then.

  84. It it worth the investment for premium if I only have one day to work online?

    • Absolutely, Catherine. Affiliate marketing is so powerful, that it comes down to working smart….not necessarily putting tons of hours in. WA will show you what to do, so you can make the most out of your limited time.

  85. I am really needing another income, but what happens if I get part way through it and find it is not the right thing for me?

    • You can always discontinue…then if you feel like you want back in, you can pick up where you left off!

  86. Hi Jason. Yeah, WA is pretty darn cool.

    I don’t get paid for referrals, only if someone were to go Premium. Not much, but little bits add up.

  87. This sounds amazing and allot of fun.Do you get paid for referrals?

  88. Hey Vince,
    Is this a good option for a college student? I have an insane schedule between class, studying, Greek Life, and my campus job. The campus job is allowing me to just barely scrape by, so is it realistic to think that I can work on this in my free time and eventually be able to make some extra income this way while in school and potentially after?

    • Yeah it’s definitely good for college students. In fact, there are many, many college students as members. You can absolutely make some money while in school. No doubt.

  89. It won’t allow me to start a free account. The reason it gives is that I’m already a member, which I highly doubt, but then when i ask it to email my password it doesn’t recognize my email. How can it say I’m a member and not recognize my email at the same time?

    • Hi Claion. WA has been around for quite some time, and has continually evolved and gotten better and better. Chances are, you might have signed up in the past, and through the cookies tracking, it has saved info from your IP address. Try creating an account from a different IP address/computer/email.

  90. Do you have to have a business or product in order to use this site?

    • Hey John. No, not at all. In fact WA teaches you “affiliate” marketing, and shows you from scratch all the way to money, on what to do. For an example, I own no products but still make a living doing this.

  91. HI Vince,

    I am from india. I tired to create free account but the the WA says me on login “Free Starter accounts are not available in your country, but we would love to have you as a Premium Member!”.

    So is it worth to join with the premium account as a starter.

    Pradeep Kumar

    • Hi Pradeep. Yes, without a doubt, it is worth to join as Premium no matter what country!

  92. hey Vince, I’m from Solomon Islands, can I join WA?
    would really appreciate your response.

    • Yeah I think so. Just go ahead and click and try.

  93. Hey Vince, I’m unable to get started for free. It says that its not available in my country ie India. Would really appreciate a response. Thanks!

    • Hi Romil. Unfortunately, India and the Phillipines are the only countries that are required to go Premium from the start. Sorry about that!

      • why please?

  94. Hey Vince! Thanks for the great info. I’ve been wasting my time on stupid on-line surveys which I will no longer be doing. Because I singed up for multiple websites I now get literally hundreds of e-mails a day. It has even affected my credit score due to all the “free” money and credit cards I’m being offered! I’m really only looking to make about $1000.00 a month. Do you think WA can help me to do that eventually as a beginner?

    • Hey Suzie. Yes, absolutely. $1000 is definitely attainable following the WA training and with some good effort.

  95. Thanks for the information Vince, I currently have a business, but it is only in the beginning stages, so this WA can help me use my current business and help it grow? If so, then I am definately interested in trying the WA out!!!

    • Absolutely James. Many members already existing websites and took them to the next level.

  96. Is this for real because if it is legit what do I have to do .where do I start.

    • It’s absolutely for real. To start, just click on one of the links in the article.

  97. Will this work for someone who already has a product, like baked goods or holistic lotions that would like to start up? Also, do they show you how to obtain inventory?

    • Hey Melodie…

      Absolutely!! WA can help you take your idea to the next level ($$$). No doubt.

  98. Hi Vince, I appreciate this article tremendously! My question is if you create a successful business through WA like yourself, don’t you think that your success will depreciate rapidly after your first 2+ years of starting a business?

    • Hi Nathan. On the contrary…

      I’ve actually been making more money every single month since I joined WA over 1 year ago. I have learned things I never realized that has resulted in an increase of revenue.

      WA literally has it all. From beginner to expert.

  99. Hey Vince, first of all thank you for your article exposing the emobile code scam! Ok, concerning the WA, is it a drop shipping business module? I have been considering investing in a drop shipping business and perhaps this would be a good place to start?

    • Hey Goose! WA is not dropshipping specifically, but with what you learn, you can absolutely build a successful dropshipping business applying the WA system. For an example, I make money with a “weight loss” site WA helped me build. It teaches you how to drive traffic the proper, correct way.

  100. thanks for this review.

  101. im seraching for a good oppurtunity to work from home..everywhere there is a scam .. it really helped me.. thanks for your guidance

  102. Great article Vince. I’m trying to start out my own business but I’m still trying to come up with a good industry/subject to market with my website. What do you think would be some good ones in this day and age? You don’t have to be specific or anything like that, I was just looking for some good ideas to start with that would be profitable now and remain so in the future. I was thinking electronics like phones/tablets/gaming?

    • Hey Bobby. WA is going to help you out with all of this. The Online Entrepreneur Certification course was designed to help you out with marketing and everything else.

      • Alright, I gotcha. Thanks!

  103. I’m interested in working from home and generating extra money.

  104. love it!!!!

  105. There are a lot of promising products out there and I’m thankful that I came across your review. I was just praying that I can finally generate a decent income online from home. I’m thankful for your honest reviews. I understand you can just be about the dollar and it doesn’t seem like you are greedy for the money in that way. Most marketers deceive people into believing that anyone can earn a lot money at home with, hype and, false hope. Always stay true and income will keep flowing to you positively.

  106. Is it possible for people outside US to join? Or its only for people in US teritory only?

    • Yes. People from around the world are members.

  107. Great article on wealthy affiliate, very informative

  108. Awesome review Vince. This really works for me as well.

    • Thanks for the feedback, Jay. Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely for anyone who wants to earn income on the Internet and works for me too!


      • Hey my name is Mike and I start going to school to get my ged next year but I was wonderin even though I didn’t graduate school will this help me make at least $500-$1500 each month. I will be able to pay for this systembut I need to know if I will have to pay for anything else afterwards.

      • can i do this WA job from Namibia (south west africa). Based in Southern africa? Plz respond

        thank you in advance

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